0411 041 636

Air Operator’s Certificate | Documentation Delivery

New CASA regulations require current operations manuals to be updated and new manuals to be developed. Having worked in CASA and also in the aviation industry we can produce docuementation that is both compliant and practical. Let us help you navigate your way throught the CASA assessment and approval process. Ask us about cost effective digital documentation options to help manage your manuals.  


Training Management System Software | TRACDsolutions

Compliant and practical competency based training. Part 61 MOS courses, customised for your Part 141 and 142 flight training organisation. Easy to use, digital, paperless, cloud based, secure. Fully mobile even when off line. Complete record system tracking to the performance criteria level including underpinning knowledge items. Standardise your courses. Never lose outstanding teaching or assessment items. Student access to streamline learning and encourage engagement.


Safety Management System (SMS)

Let us tailor a systematic approach to managing safety to your individual organisation. An SMS goes well beyond just having a great manual. Safe, productive and successful organisations understand a just company culture requires a genuine shift in thinking from the top down. We can help implement your safety system, mentor managers and train staff. 


Staff Development, Mentoring and Leadership

Preparation for CASA assessment of key operational roles including Head of Operations, Chief Pilot, Head of Training and Checking, Quality and Safety Manager and others. Mentoring in people management, leadership skills and job specific competencies.


CASA Liaison

CASA is undertaking rolling legislative changes that will impact most AOC holders – in operations and licencing. We speak ‘CASA’ and can co-ordinate with them so you can focus on your business. Audit preparation and follow-up acquittal of findings is also an area we can provide assistance. 


Aviation Business Advice

Business planning, selection of tools and technology and marketing. These unprecedented times are an opportunity to reset, develop a new strategy and invest in practical systems to make life easier and boost your finances. Don’t be paralysed by the paradox of choice. 


Project Management

Large or small, every project needs to be managed. Introducing new systems (like SMS), training programs (like HF, NTS), aircraft types, new software, expanding, consolidating or even establishing a new operation from scratch. Piston, turbine or jet. Charter, RPT, domestic or international – we can help.


Change Management

CASA is rolling out new rules that will apply to all operators and pilots. CASR Part 91 – General operating and flight rules. CASR Part 121 – Australian air transport operations (larger aeroplanes) and CASR Part 135 Australian air transport operations (smaller aeroplanes). We can assist managing these changes including manual updates and training.


Audit Preparation

Safety audits like BARS, ICAO, CASA, Is-Bao and others are part of doing business. Preparation can be time consuming and take operators and staff away from core business or operating tasks. Worse still, surprise areas of non-compliance can have a significant negative impact.

Clients Include
