It is a basic pilot mantra – “In thrust we trust”. We know that without power we have only one destination…and it’s down and it’s often not pretty. Oshkosh day one seemed to be all about power:
- 8 engines in the B52.
- 2 engines at Mach 3 in the SR71 (the day before at the Evergreen museum).
- The whole body pounding resulting from a full afterburner fly-by from a B1-B.
- The power in the Extra 300s doing low level aerobatics and defying (it seems…but apparently not) the laws of aerodynamics.
- The power when you add a turbine engine to a radial powered Stearman and then let it loose.
- The combined power of a mass warbird flyby.
- The power of a man – the Bob.
Without power we will not “sunward climb”. Without power we can’t pull high G in sustained flight. Without power we can’t pull away from danger. Without power we can’t really go anywhere. Without power we will not slip “…the surly bonds of earth”.
- Power in our aircraft;
- Power in our business;
- Power in our personal life.
Need to keep that engine in shape and fueled. Of all the components in the aircraft, this is the one. No power – big trouble (although the “dreaded 7 engine approach” in a B52 might not be such an issue as they make out!).
What about power for your business. What “drives” you? Where does your energy come from…and it needs to run deeper than pure profit. Profit power is short lived and comes with a great future penalty. What is your “why”? Discover a “why” that is bigger than you and you will have the power to pull through any looming problem.
Your personal power source is the most important. What gets you out of bed. What really gets you excited about life. Where is that power going to take you? Find your true north, know what you are called to do and that power source will keep you going through windshear and thunderstorm, beautiful sunsets and the long flight. (And as the pilot of the SR71 implied – if you are lost, be thankful that it is not at Mach 3!). There will still be turbulence ahead, but knowing that you have that power in reserve will give you the confidence you need to face the issues, problem solve and make good decisions.
In Thrust We Trust. I saw this at work today in Oshkosh. Power is not simply important – it is everything. What do you think?