Transition is the new CASA catch word. “When will you transition…?” “How will you transition…?” “Are you ready to transition?”
Transition: “…to change from one state or condition to another”. This is a big thing, a scary thing. There is a moment in the middle when you are neither the past nor yet the future, you are transitioning.
The interval between the decay of the old and the formation and establishment of the new constitutes a period of transition which must always necessarily be one of uncertainty, confusion, error, and wild and fierce fanaticism. JOHN C. CALHOUN
Part 141 and Part 142 organizations are “the other shore”, but the old shore is so safe, comfortable and known and the transition holds uncertainty, confusion and error. However good things come with transitions. New processes are born, new skills are developed and new possibilities are grasped. For those organizations making the leap, new opportunities open up.
But getting there! So much to do, so much change. Expositions, new competency based courses, new lesson plans, new Units, Elements and performance criteria. How is it possible to produce all of this new training material?
We can minimize your uncertainty, confusion and error.
We have a solution! The TRACDsolution™ (Training Records and Competency Development made easy). We offer complete courses which you can fully customise to your requirements in an intuitive and easy to use integrated Web Browser environment that also checks to ensure you have all the “i”s dotted and “t”s crossed. Once you have customised the course (as little or as much as you wish) you then download a full set of:
- Course overview documents,
- Complete lesson plans,
- Abbreviated lesson plans and
- Individual records.
These documents track every Performance Criteria and every Underpinning Knowledge item of every Element from every Unit required for the course for your Part 141 or Part 142 organisation. The lesson plans don’t just repeat the CASA performance criteria, they explain it, include diagrams, and provide guidance to your instructors in the context that it is being taught. How you brief on an item is quite different to how you demonstrate it in flight and so the lesson plan presents that item appropriate to the learning event context.
So, have you got a solution? If you need a solution, it might be time to get the TRACDsolution™.