0411 041 636

Frequently Asked Questions

What does it cost?

You can buy individual courses (mix and match as you need for your operation). Course costs are grouped into 4 categories:

Tier 1 – Small courses,
Tier 2 – Medium courses,
Tier 3 – Large Medium courses and
Tier 4 – Large Courses.
Once you have implemented TRACDsolutions, had them approved by CASA and start training, you pay a “Per student per course” fee, again, based on the size of the course. This way your ongoing costs are directly connected to student enrolment and your profits. We will invoice you (typically each month) for students commencing new courses in that month.


Remind me of the key benefits?

TRACDsolutions will save you time – instructor record keeping time, finding lost file time, walking to the photocopier time, copying records for student time, finding lesson plan time, locating teaching diagram time, HOO review of course prior to exam time, updating courses time, compliance time…..

TRACDsolutions will give you peace of mind – compliance issues sorted


How do I get started?

1. Identify and tell us what courses you would like to start with (you can start with a few if you feeling cautious – we don’t mind!).
2. We will ensure you have sufficient training to use the software to get maximum value out of it – no charge for that!
3. We will set up your personal Cloud space for your courses and students and provide you with all the passwords to access your material
4. You can customize or personalize any of the courses as you wish. You might like to add navigation routes to cross country lessons for example.
5. As this is a Significant Change, you will need to process that through CASA – update your Ops Manual (Part 141) or your Exposition (Part 142) and submit the required forms, manuals, and courses to CASA for assessment.
             NOTE: If you would like help with this we can provide a suggested change to your current document set (that’s free and available to anyone) and for an extra $600+GST, we can process the complete Significant Change through CASA on your behalf – all done for you!
6. Ensure your staff are well trained in how to use TRACDsolutions – see the help files and video guides. We can provide a suggested training syllabus for your staff if you wish. Remember, if you are a Part 142 organisation, you should document and conduct a Change Management Assessment through your Safety Management System.
7. Start adding instructor names and aircraft details to TRACDsolutions
8. Once CASA approves your Significant Change, you can immediately start training students on the approved courses and enjoy all the benefits of Australia’s best Training Management Software.

Blue skies to you!

How reliable and secure is TRACDsolutions?

Our servers have a 99.99% reliability and availability level. Data is stored on separate servers to images (training diagrams or evidence photos/documents). Data is encrypted during travel to and from the cloud. Password strength is set high and you are encouraged to change passwords regularly. Once students or staff have left your courses or organisation you can de-activate their password access. We take back ups of the data daily and are intending to move that to hourly next year. Thus we can restore your data at any point. All in all, we are very confident about the reliability, security and robustness of the system.

How will you bill me?

We will invoice you for the course costs at the initial set up – a 14 day invoice. Having “bought” a course, there are no further costs to keep using the course. I say “bought” because you purchase a license to use the course – see the End User Licence Agreement for full details.

Every student that you enroll for a course attracts a student fee. This way your ongoing costs are directly connected to your income. Only enroll students who are intending to start the course! There are 4 levels in these student fees which are connected to the course type (Tier 1, 2, 3, 4). We will invoice you at the end of the month for the students you have enrolled in that month. If you don’t enroll any students to courses in that month, there is no charge! It doesn’t matter if the student completes the course within the week or takes 2 years – there is only that initial enrolment fee. If this same student enrolls with you for a second, third etc course, then the appropriate fee applies to each subsequent enrolment.

Can you provide training in how to get the most out of TRACDsolutions?

Great question! Yes we can. We generally provide (free) training to all organisations at kick off. We also have extensive help files and help videos, as well as a suggested training course that you could use with your staff. We want you to get up and running and experience how great is is to have an efficient, effective and compliant, course, lesson plan and record system for your training so that you can relax and your company can make those profits you desire. Our training will set you up for those Blue Sky Days!

Other Questions

Do you have other questions? Just give us a call or email us and we will respond as soon as we can.